NCDC along with other key stakeholders have established an association that is certain to drastically improve waste management services in the nation's capital.

The purpose of the association is to ensure the capacity of waste management in PNG through active participation of the private sector is as much as it is important with the government’s current waste processes that are in place.

The focus of the association will be:

                1.            To improve collaboration between the government and the private sector in promoting a public private partnership (PPP).

                2.            Improve develop policy and legal frameworks of the PPP and to

                3.            Improve access and collaboration with development partners on waste related developments, which private businesses cannot access at the moment.

The association in its way forward also elected and appointed a four (4) men executive comprising of President-Kori Chan, Deputy President-Ryan Pini, Secretary- Peter Karu and Treasurer Boga Buri.

DCM Operations Ravu Frank also thanked all stakeholders and especially the Conservation & Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) for taking the lead.

"The challenge is huge. In terms of the city and its challenges NCDC has a lot to deal with in as far as infrastructure developments, settlement, law and order, health, water, land and education issues are concerned and among them is the issue of waste which is also deemed very important and keeping with a clean, healthy livable city. The PPP is the way forward in facing this challenge," said Mr Frank.

The stakeholders that were present apart from the Commission and CEPA also included, UPNG, PAU, TWM (Total Waste Management), South Pacific Brewery, Pacifica Eagles Chemicals Limited, Coca Cola Amatil Limited, Theodist, Hythes Limited, Brains Recycling Limited, Krishna Imports PNG Limited, Vitis Industries and Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting was chaired by UPNG Vice Chancellor Dr Frank Griffin and said this mammoth task had only just begun.