Comprising of four (4) core sections, the Regulatory Services Department is responsible for forward city planning, regulatory developments through thorough assessment of application and ensuring compliance of physical planning, building and licensing standards and also matters pertaining to land administration, surveying and valuation for the Commission.

The department also administers three (3) Boards, the NCD Physical Planning Board, Building Board, and the Licencing Board while a NCD Land Board is anticipated if and when the land functions of NCD is transferred from Department of Land and Physical Planning to NCDC.

The departments’ core function is providing regulatory and compliance framework for four main functions, Strategic Planning, Physical Planning, Building, and Licencing Processes. The RSD has a direct correlation with the two core departments of the Commission through its urban development plan, the local development plans and specific precinct plans which guide all developments in NCD.


Section Contact
Strategic Planning 324 0611
Physical Planning 324 0621
Building Authority 325 3186 / 324 0622
Licensing 325 3573 / 324 0766